Table of contents
Code & Context - Project Make 2 - SS2021
Project Make 2 - Code & Context (B.Sc.) - Exploratives Bachelorstudium in digitaler Praxiswerkstatt
Goals of this documentation
Collect practical knowledge around working with the Campus 5G network and DevKits, and make it accessible for future projects, which involve 5G networking at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences.
Get your EVB-Kit up and running
5G Development Kits and Guides
While at the moment 5G is mostly advertised for mobile phones its true strengths lay somewhere else. Very promising fields to really use the strengths of 5G are for example autonomous driving, self-sufficient factories, industrial drones, remote healthcare and VR.
Wettbewerb 5G.NRW: Land fördert 24 weitere innovative Projekte mit bis zu 36,8 Millionen Euro
29 top 5G use cases: discover what 5G can really do
Network slicing in 5G allows us to provide different layers (slices) with for different usecases in our 5G network. The individual slices are virtual networks.
Network slicing - Give a slice of 5G
Network slicing is configured on the software layer. Take a look at the Katana Slice Manager on GitHub:
5G Network Slicing Enabling Edge Services